Sunday, January 22, 2012

Consider the Love God Has for You.

Today, our church choir sang a song written from the scripture passage in Matthew 6:28, " And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:"

The piece is stunningly beautiful and beautifully full of truth. The song invites us to consider all the Lord, God, has provided for us and reflect on his love for each of us, His children. He will lead us and guide us if we trust Him. He will make our hearts as gold if we let Him. Some lines that stood out to me talk about Christ bearing our burdens, "Consider the sweet tender children who must suffer on this earth; The pains of all of them He carried from the days of His birth." Christ has carried our pains, our burdens, our sins. We can turn to him and repent; we can turn to him and find joy. "And He will heal those who trust Him, And make their hearts as gold."

At a practice, our choir talked about this part. I read the words and posed a question about the meaning. We really looked at what it meant and when we knew what we were singing about and could feel the Holy Spirit witness in our hearts that it is true, we were able to share that witness with whoever heard us singing. Our spirits touched their spirits. The Holy Ghost touched our hearts.

Link to buy the sheet music if you like it:

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