Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Summary Mosiah 2

In Mosiah 2, King Benjamin has all his people come together.
They are having a temple experience.  (They live the Law of Moses.)  Anyway, the people are called to come to the temple.  They perform temple sacrifices.  It is a very sacred time and what a neat experience!  I mean, this is a righteous people who kept the Law of Moses truly, who came together to worship and learn of God. 
Bring your family, bring your tent, come listen to King Benjamin.  He's going to teach you truth.  There are so many people that they don't all fit in the temple, so there is a tower built so that they can all hear his words.  There are scribes so that the people will be able to read the words after the assembly.
To me, this looks like General Conference.  (Only, it is King Benjamin's last farewell speech.)

He reminds them of what blessings they have had during his reign.  He has not gone about imprisoning people, causing taxes, or let his people steal, murder, commit adultery, plunder, etc...  He has worked with his own hands, get this;

 13 "... (I) have taught you that ye should keep the commandments of the Lord, in all things which he hath commanded you—
 14 "And even I, myself, have alabored with mine own bhands that I might serve you, and that ye should not be claden with taxes, and that there should nothing come upon you which was grievous to be borne—and of all these things which I have spoken, ye yourselves are witnesses this day."

And then he tells us why he says it and the doctrine behind it;
 15 "Yet, my brethren, I have not done these things that I might aboast, neither do I tell these things that thereby I might accuse you; but I tell you these things that ye may know that I can answer a clear bconscience before God this day.

16 "Behold, I say unto you that because I said unto you that I had spent my days in your service, I do not desire to boast, for I have only been in the service of God."

He teaches them to continue to be righteous, to serve God, but that doesn't count for anything unless you are obedient to him first.  We have to be obedient to God.
He declares to the people that his son, Mosiah, will be the next king and he guarantees the people that he will be a righteous leader and that they should follow him and they should follow God and if they do they will be happy.  It is that simple.  He admonishes them to follow God and if they rebel against him, then he teaches, if they rebel against God, they have no right to mercy and no claim to mercy at the last day, the judgement day.

Likewise, we receive the same admonition of the Nephites during King Benjamin's reign. Obey God and prosper.  Teach truth to your families.  Teach righteousness.  Live it.  Come unto Christ and find joy in him.  Lead where you lead in righteousness.  I thought, he is teaching us what the modern prophets have taught us "You Matter to Him."  Then, the part about leading reminded me of this talk.  I don't even remember it, just the title; "Lift where you stand."
I know that not everything makes sense, yet.  But if we are faithful to God, he will keep us.  He will hold on to us.  And if we turn away from Him, he is always there with his arms stretched out, ready to hold our hand as we walk back home.  As rocky, dark, hard, and overwhelming as the journey is, He Never Gives Up On You.  You are his precious child and he will always want you to come back.  Feeling the pain and muck is worth the joy, relief, comfort, purity and peace that come by the end of the journey.

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