I love these things about Spring. I also love the rain showers and splashing in the puddles with my family (if it is not too cold.) I love graduations. I love the holidays; Mother's Day, Father's Day, Spring Break, Easter, Passover, Chinese New Year, Palm Sunday, Memorial Day. I especially love Easter and Passover.
But you know what? I was just realizing today that my true favorite part of spring is General Conference. It is so beautiful.
I would like to invite you to it. No matter where you are, what you think, how you feel, what you know, or what you do, God loves you and he welcomes you to this beautiful, glorious, peaceful, elevating event.
I love General Conference. I love that growing up, my mom would get up early and make cinnamon rolls and orange juice for the Saturday morning session. Since I was little, I have loved sitting in the family room and kitchen with my family just watching the prophets speak and hearing the choir sing. I loved playing Conference Bingo, and seeing the posters of the prophet and apostles from the Friend or Ensign magazines. I loved seeing the pictures of all the latter-day prophets. I loved the feelings that came. I loved the stories that were told and what I learned from them. I loved my brother mowing the lawn with his radio and headphones on, listening to conference. I loved that I could move around and eat whenever I wanted or needed to. I loved that when my friend came over, she got to play Conference Bingo with us before she left. I loved that I could move around and eat whenever I wanted or needed to. I loved being able to go into any room in the house and still be able to hear Conference. I loved trying to draw a picture of whoever was talking and when I was willing enough, taking notes or writing down inspiration and revelation that came to me. I LOVED going to Temple Square to listen or just visit between sessions. I loved going to my grandparents' house and watching Conference downstairs with all my cousins while we played our Conference Bingo games and the adults would watch it upstairs. Between sessions we would go outside and play. I loved that when I grew up and got married I knew how to make cinnamon rolls (so that I could keep the tradition going since my little brother doesn't like them and my mom wants to be healthy, so they don't make cinnamon rolls anymore.) I love going to my grandparents' house after the Priesthood session ("pie night" for us) and hearing the men tell us what they learned. It is so fun to hear from my dad, grandpa, brothers, cousins and uncles.
I have loved all these things and I still love them. I love the testimonies I hear and the prophets and apostles and others who speak of Christ and how we can become better people through giving heed to the messages. I love how I feel elevated when I listen and act on the things I have learned. I love that God is always willing to give us another chance if we try to follow him. I just love conference and there is no way to describe it or how it feels unless you are there and you feel it, too. I guess that is because it is God speaking to you.
This is my favorite part of Spring.
And you know what? You are invited.
General Conference ideas for children:
dot to dots
Apostle Bingo
Preparing Children for General Conference