This morning, I was reading from the book of Alma. In chapter 33, v. 7-8, it says, "And when I did turn unto my closet, O Lord, and prayed unto thee, thou didst hear me. Yea, thou are merciful unto thy children when they cry unto thee, to be heard of thee and not of men, and thou wilt hear them."
These verses just stood out to me this morning. God really does hear us when we sincerely pray to him. I think he likes hearing from his children. What parent doesn't love his child, yet on earth, some men or women forget their children, but God, our Father in Heaven will never forget any of his children. He loves each of us, no matter what and when we do something wrong and want to fix it, he will help us. When we pray, he listens. He is merciful and loving. He knows all things; He knows his children and each one of our needs.
The Lord has restored his truth to man. There are again prophets of God on the earth.
This weekend, his prophets and other servants will speak to us. I am looking forward to listening and finding answers and guidance for my life. God speaks to his children through revelation - through prophets and through personal revelation. If I listen, I will hear him.
You can learn more about God, his restored gospel truth, and love at
I hope you will, it is beautiful in the soul.